I’ve added a bunch of older artwork to the different galleries! I’ll detail each one in the coming days!
thanks for sticking around!
I’ve added a bunch of older artwork to the different galleries! I’ll detail each one in the coming days!
thanks for sticking around!
Today I didn’t work on any art and stepped out to Brooklyn with a friend. It’s been really easy for me to get into tunnel vision these weeks, trying to do as much as I can, like learning new software like substance painter, all while digital painting and doing freelance work.
My friend is great at proactively getting me out, and it was a good change of pace. We went to Brooklyn to check out two spots. One of a place where she needed to buy some oil, Earth Speaks.
I was fascinated by the rocks, there were many variations of them, shape/size/texture/color.
My nerd brain was trying to see if I could emulate the translucency and refraction of these rocks in my Hero Shader used in the Valley game world. Then I stopped thinking about shaders and enjoyed the beauty of rocks.
It was a home grown store, with crafted items and jewelry, and although I’m not into healing rocks or chakras and curing oils, the store has a nice charm to it, almost like a small treasure trove hidden in Brooklyn.
We then had some bagels and walked to a coffee shop, D’Amico. Even on the sidewalk you’re hit with a powerful wind of coffee smell. It will pull you by the nose and walk you into the store.
The coffee was expensive, but really good. I’m not a huge fan of peppermint, but I had a nice coffee with white peppermint, and it was huge. Partly the reason I’m not sleeping as I write this post.
She grabbed her coffee beans and we made our traffic trek back home.
Despite the traffic and rain, today was a nice change of pace, a little respite before I head back into my room and get back to work.
A work in progress of a digital paint of my sister! I’m going to make her Rapunzel in tighter black curls. This should be interesting, I’ve never done a digital paint of a real picture/real person.
I will have to fight the urge to eye drop the actual picture to get the right colors. I will be forcing myself to eyeball each color and try to get the lighting right, as well as putting her in the Rapunzel outfit.
Here we go!