Digital Artist
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Maximalist Email design

I’m having a great time creating emails for OMG, I’ve never done this before. Each email is a bespoke piece of art, from top to bottom. I copy some elements from the past, add new elements and shove everything around until it reads well….at least to my liking.

I definitely am a maximalist, as I seem to cram everything everywhere.

Justin Varghese

My last blog entry was 4 years ago.

Between that time and now, too much has happened, some of which is too personal to put on an art portfolio site. However I’m going to assume somehow those experiences will be revealed in my work somehow. Life seeps into everything.

So far…I’m still alive and kicking and creating. I got a job at an awesome company called OMG National doing lots of graphic design and motion design. Super grateful for the position and my team.

I’ve spent so many years trying to laser focus my portfolio into a smaller set of work. However, I couldn’t help but feel I’m limiting myself. I just like to do so many things, and I’m kinda tired of just putting down just a few mediums. With that statement, it could imply that this site may morph into something more…. and if so, let it be.

I’m an artist and I love to create.

Justin Varghese
The past few months, and Quarantine

You already know the craziness going on the past few weeks due to quarantine, so I don’t have to reiterate. Regarding this, just know I hope you’re keeping home, keeping busy, and remembering to rest and spend time with your family. I also hope you’re brushing up on a skill, learning a new one, or even creating your own side hustle.

Art wise, I’ve been still treating this site as a repository, which is great when you’re doing a macro look at all my work. However, I feel it to be a little unfocused for anyone coming to my site. I love to do all kinds of work, in all kinds of styles, but when someone comes to my site, what is my style to them? Currently, its everywhere, and not really anything you could pin me on.

So the next coming months I’ll be working on a smaller more focused initial gallery, while all my work is placed elsewhere. Its a little unnerving to try this, but its time for a change, and a change I feel is a good one. I’m still Justin the artist, and this place will still store my work. But for employers and for any of my fans, I want this site to have a better first impression, while still retaining ALL of my work in a better place.

Life Updates

For life updates, I’m currently making artwork for the awesome people at Games for Love. They’re an amazing charity making games for children, and I get to help them make 3d models and concept art for their game!

3d bus for the player to walk in. Under 3000 triangles!

3d bus for the player to walk in. Under 3000 triangles!

Concept art for a handheld remote

Concept art for a handheld remote

Concept art for a coffee shop!

Concept art for a coffee shop!

So far, I am keeping busy, keeping occupied and making artwork. I’m in my element, and trying to make moves.

God bless you, and thanks for checking back!!

Justin Varghese