My last blog entry was 4 years ago.
Between that time and now, too much has happened, some of which is too personal to put on an art portfolio site. However I’m going to assume somehow those experiences will be revealed in my work somehow. Life seeps into everything.
So far…I’m still alive and kicking and creating. I got a job at an awesome company called OMG National doing lots of graphic design and motion design. Super grateful for the position and my team.
I’ve spent so many years trying to laser focus my portfolio into a smaller set of work. However, I couldn’t help but feel I’m limiting myself. I just like to do so many things, and I’m kinda tired of just putting down just a few mediums. With that statement, it could imply that this site may morph into something more…. and if so, let it be.
I’m an artist and I love to create.