Rose Noire!
Rose Noire is in digital paint! I finally get around to finishing this piece for my friend Lady Blazey, one of my artistic friends from high school! You can see her website for more of her work!
Rose was a lot of fun to work on, and equally as frustrating, at least in the beginning because this time for the digital painting, I didn’t want to start in gray scale, and then put a color glaze on top. I wanted to start right from the beginning with color. It was very difficult for me to lay down the shadow volumes, and to control the overall values. I have to learn how to reign in my values and keep track of my pure whites and blacks, and just making sure everything isn’t over lit while I apply color. I will have to practice with muted colors next time, and build up to better highlights and shadows.
For me, painting straight in color, to be honest…… is where its at. Yes its a little awkward, and putting texture or subtle color changes on a colored surface that’s already lit and shaded can be a little difficult. Painting a shadow as just the darker version of the color is something I will have to learn how to not default to. Skin and hair changes hue and even value sometimes in shadow! Also, I will have to be selective on how I use the hair strand brush when it comes to hair, and be conservative to where I use it.
But for now, I’m pretty proud of this piece, and finally getting it done and being confident enough to tackle the process. I’m also not used to drawing fashion models in this type of clothing, so it was fun. You could tell by my portfolio that I’m used to painting barbarian death punch pixel crunch blood fight booger aliens, so this cutie was a nice change of pace, and I’ll probably make a few more!
Rose in sketch. You could tell I was beginning to paint in gray scale.
Rose Noire flats. Here she has a ghoul face. Creepy.
Honestly, this is a lot of fun. Here is to more digital paintings, and more ideas to visualize. Maybe we can get a background in there right? :)